How To Accomplish More And Feel Better About Yourself Without Lying!

There are two things everyone loves: Feeling better about himself or herself and accomplishing more.  But, many times, people fall short on both because they fail to recognize how interrelated the two really are.

For example, have you ever had one of those days when EVERYTHING went your way as soon as you awoke? …read the rest of the article.


Healthy Skin Reflects Outer Beauty And Inner Health.

Treat your skin both inside and out to create a radiant glowing complexion.  Internally, you can feed your skin through good nutrition and positive lifestyle changes. Taking healthy nutrients into the body is the best way to keep skin healthy. …read the rest of the article.


You Are What Your Mother Ate!

New science discovers how your genetic blueprint was permanently changed.

ALSO:  More important news about SLEEP – How it affects you and why you shouldn’t get too much or too little.  And CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME – a pilot study says probiotic supplements may ease YOUR symptoms of anxiety.

Lauderdale What’s more important: nature or nurture? The argument has been raging on for decades.  In other words, are you strictly the end result of your upbringing and actions? Or are you simply a product of your genes?

A safe bet is that we are a combination of both.  Our genes give us a blueprint with both positives and negatives and our actions either maximize or minimize the hand we’ve been dealt.

But, a new science has thickened the plot! …read the rest of the article.
