The Ultimate American Dream

The Incredible True Story About Ray, His Candy Store, And Community Kindness That Makes America Great!

It was 36 years ago.  That’s when Ray immigrated to the United States…he had $10 in his pocket, a tremendous work ethic and a desire for the American Dream. …read the rest of the article.


Water Usage

A human can live without food for almost a month but survive no longer than a week without water. The UN estimates a person needs a minimum of 50 liters of water a day for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation. However, over a billion people do not have access to this minimum amount. …read the rest of the article.


Why Children Act Up! And What You Might To Do About It…

Raising children is one of the most challenging things you can ever do.  Sometimes, they are your little angels and other times, your little devils. The most difficult thing may be identifying what causes each behavior.  It would make things a lot easier around your house if you knew exactly what to do to raise the perfect child, wouldn’t it? …read the rest of the article.


New Research: Cutting Carbs Better Than Low-Fat?

Study shows this type of woman lost more weight after 3 months on low-carbohydrate diet than traditional low-fat diet with same number of calories and the hormone that may be responsible for your weight loss – or lack of weight loss.

Lauderdale – Eating fat is bad.  No…wait…it’s carbohydrates that are evil.  One expert says one thing and then, another Doctor says something else.  Back and forth…back and forth.  Maybe that new infomercial selling the latest miracle weight loss product is the way to go?

Who knows?  In the meantime, you’re confused and not losing any weight. Well, get ready for some possible answers…and a few more questions …read the rest of the article.
