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The Simplest And Easiest Way To Lose Weight Ever?

How napping can make you smarter and more proof that Omega-3’s have BIG health benefits.


Lauderdale – Here’s a quick riddle for you…It’s everywhere because almost everyone wants it.  Yet, most never achieve it. What is it?

Weight loss.

You can’t flip through the pages of a magazine or the channels on cable TV without being bombarded by advertisements for “new,” “breakthrough,” “Miracle,” etc. weight loss solutions.

Maybe you’ve tried some of these “quick and easy” solutions, and maybe one word sums up the way you feel…


So, is there anything out there that actually works?

The first thing to understand: there are no overnight “miracles.”  The hard truth: the REAL secret to weight loss is doing the right things…consistently…for the rest of your life.

Doing the right things will cause you to lose weight  but as soon as you stop and go back to your old ways, the weight will come back, and come back with a vengeance…so will the frustration.

That’s why the best way to lose weight is to become well-educated on the subject.  The internet has a frightening amount of information, some good – and a lot bad.

That’s why your best option is to talk to a healthcare professional who has already helped many others and can short-cut the process for you too.

That being said, researchers have found when people eat quickly, they end up consuming more calories than they would have if they ate more slowly. In fact, according to a new study referenced in a February 10, 2010 New York Times article, “scientists found that when a group of subjects were given an identical serving of ice cream on different occasions, they released more hormones that made them feel full when they ate it in 30 minutes instead of 5.

The scientists took blood samples and measured insulin and gut hormones before, during and after eating.

They found that two hormones that signal feelings of satiety, or fullness —glucagon [1]-like peptide-1 and peptide YY — showed a more pronounced response in the slow condition.”

This means you eat LESS.  The New York Times article also mentioned a study done by the American Dietetic Association in 2008 that reported subjects felt more full and consumed 10% less calories when they ate slowly as opposed to “wolfing” down their food.

And, a study in The British Medical Journal stated those who ate quickly and until full had triple the rate of being overweight compared with others.

What Does All This Mean For YOU?

This research simply suggests if you eat slowly you are likely to feel more full and consume fewer calories.

No, it’s not a weight loss miracle.  But, feeling full is nice, and eating fewer calories – over the long run – will lead to weight loss and greater health.

If you think this isn’t a big deal, please remember: little hinges open big doors.  It’s the accumulation of small things done consistently over time that leads to great success.

In other words, stop looking for the big home run and start hitting singles.  And, educate yourself as much as you possibly can.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call and ask!

New Study With Yup’ik Eskimos May Hold Key To Reducing Chronic Disease

A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition with Yu’pik Eskimos has shown high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA were associated with lower levels of triglycerides, as well as higher levels of HDL cholesterol.

Raised levels of the fatty acids were also associated with decreased levels of markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), which is produced in the liver and is a known marker for inflammation. Increased levels of CRP are a good predictor for the onset of both Type-2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Researchers concluded, “Increasing EPA and DHA intakes to amounts well above those consumed by the general US population may have strong beneficial effects on chronic disease risk.”